
Welcome to our new website developed to support and develop your knowledge, skills and practice in working in an outcomes-focused way. This website is for social workers and all other health and social care practitioners.

The Care Act 2014 and The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 provide the legal framework for improving the wellbeing of people who need care and support, and carers who need support.  Promoting wellbeing is a fundamental principle of both pieces of legislation.  This site aims to support best practice which promotes a culture of working in a person-centred manner in this policy context.

The site includes:

  • An introduction to our Outcomes Triangle.  This aims to support conversations about outcomes by encouraging practitioners to think about key things that are important to us all.
  • Sections for practitioners and managers, both of which contain a range of resources which bring together evidence and best practice.  These include downloadable factsheets and tools, as well as case studies for your use.
  • Links to sources of further information.

The site was developed following requests from RiPfA partners and aims to encourage all social care staff to reflect on the available evidence as well as practice experience to develop their own outcomes-focused practice. It is the result of a RiPfA change project and we would like to thank our partners and individual participants for their time, experience and effort in the creation of this resource.


Throughout the site we refer to outcomes, outputs, needs, etc.  Often these terms can be confused or used interchangeably.  To help avoid confusion we have created a practice tool which defines outcomes and also provides users a chance to explore what makes an outcome.


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